Height: Weight Calculate BMI Body Mass Index (Reference Values) Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Body Mass Index Categories: < 18.5: Underweight18.5-24.9: Normal Weight25 – 29.9: Overweight> 30: Obese Body Mass Index Calculation Formula in Feet BMI = Weight (pounds) / height * height (inches) X 703 Steps for calculating Body Mass Index: My height is 5’7 feet. I convert to inches, 5 feet x 12 + 7 = 67 inches I multiply my height in inches with itself: 67 *67 = 4489 I divide my weight in pounds with the number I found above: If I am 149 pounds I have: 149 / 4489 =0.03319 I multiply this number with 703. So my BMI is 0.03319 * 703= 23.3 23.3 is my Body Mass Index. In the reference values, I see that I am at Normal Weight BMI is a purely indicative tool with a deviation in cases of athletes and people with increased muscle mass. Post Views: 510 Post navigation Basal Metabolic 💫 Rate and Weight Maintenance Calories Calculator