• 12 March 2025

Apple 🍎 Nutrition Data and Health Benefits

May 3, 2021 #fruits, #nutrition facts

Apple : Nutrition Facts / 1 apple

μήλο θερμίδες μήλο ζαχαρη γραμμαρια μεριδα ποσο ζυγίζει ένα μήλο βιταμίνες οφέλη apple calories apple sugar portion grams how much does an apple weigh vitamins benefits

1 medium apple 182 gr. (diameter 7-8cm)



25.1 gr

10 %



18.9 gr




4.37 gr

17.5 %



0.47 gr




0.3 gr


Macros Ratio/ 1 apple 🍎

Energy /182gr 🍎

Daily Coverage for 2000kcal diet*





Vitamins, Minerals & Trace elements/182 gr🍎

8.37 mg


8.37 mg


Potassium Women🚺




Vitamin Β6 🚹 🚺


0.075 mg


Potassium Men🚹


195 mg

5.7 %

4 μg

4.4 %

0.047 mg


0.047 mg


4 μg



The phytochemicals of apples

μήλο ιδιότητες οφέλη για την υγεια μηλο βιταμινες που κάνει καλο πρασινο μηλο ιδιοτητες θερμίδες μερίδα διατροφική αξία Πόσο ζυγίζει ένα μήλο Ποσα μηλα να τρωμε την ημερα apple properties health benefits apple vitamins that does good green apple properties How much does an apple weigh? How many apples to eat a day

Apples have strong antioxidant activity and are a rich source of phytochemicals. Research has shown that a diet with fruits and vegetables protects us from long-term conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems and cancer. There is evidence that phytochemicals such as phenolics, flavonoids and carotenoids reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The phytochemicals most commonly found in apples are:

  • procyanidins
  • catechin and epicatechin
  • chlorogenic acid
  • phloridzin
  • quercetin conjugates

There is a higher concentration of these compounds in the peel of apples than in the flesh, so it is better to eat the whole apple with the peel.

The health benefits of apple

Αντιοξειδωτική και αντιφλεγμονώδης δράση Οι φαινολικές ενώσεις και τα φλαβονοειδή των μήλων όπως η κουερσετίνη δρουν προστατευτικά για τον οργανισμό ως αντιοξειδωτικά Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action Phenolic compounds and apple flavonoids such as quercetin act as protectors for the body as antioxidants

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action

Phenolic compounds and apple flavonoids such as quercetin act protectively for the body as antioxidants by binding free radicals and as anti-inflammatory by reducing inflammatory markers leading to long-term disease. Another important property of the apple is according to studies the inhibition of lipid oxidation - a process that causes oxidative stress in our body.

Μηλα και απώλεια βάρους -Apples and Weight loss

Weight Loss and Metabolism

Apple is rich in bioavailable polyphenols. There are many studies sugesting that fruit polyphenols help with weight loss and exert their beneficial effects possibly through the removal of free radicals, the regulation of gene expression and the alteration of signal transduction in target cells and tissues, especially fat tissue.

μήλα και διαβήτης -apples and diabestes

Reducing the risk of developing diabetes

Σε φινλανδική μελέτη σε 10.000 άτομα, η κατανάλωση μήλων σχετίστηκε με μειωμένο κίνδυνο διαβήτη τύπου II. Η υψηλότερη πρόσληψη κουρσετίνης, ένα σημαντικό συστατικό των φλοιών μήλου, συσχετίστηκε επίσης με μειωμένο κίνδυνο για διαβήτη τύπου II. Η πρόσληψη μυρεκτίνης και μούρων συσχετίστηκε επίσης με μειωμένο κίνδυνο για διαβήτη τύπου II, αλλά η πρόσληψη κρεμμυδιού, πορτοκαλιού, γκρέιπφρουτ και λευκού λάχανου δεν συσχετίστηκε με μειωμένο κίνδυνο.

μηλο διατροφικη αξια μηλο ιδιοτητες θερμίδες βιταμίνες Ποσα μηλα να τρωμε την ημερα Πρασινο ή κοκκινο μηλο μήλο οφέλη για την υγεία apple nutritional value apple properties calories vitamins How many apples to eat a day Green or red apple apple health benefits

Cardiovascular Health

In a study of 40,000 women, those who ate apples had a 13-22% reduction in their risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A Finnish study examining flavonoid intake and coronary heart disease mortality found that overall flavonoid intake was associated with reduced mortality in women but not in men. Apple and onion intake were also inversely associated with coronary heart disease mortality, especially in women.

μηλο διατροφικη αξια μηλο ιδιοτητες θερμίδες βιταμίνες Ποσα μηλα να τρωμε την ημερα Πρασινο ή κοκκινο μηλο μήλο οφέλη για την υγεία apple nutritional value apple properties calories vitamins How many apples to eat a day Green or red apple apple health benefits

Lung Health

Apple consumption has been linked to general lung health and asthma prevention. In a recent study, it was found that eating apples and tomatoes can help repair and restore the lungs of ex-smokers. In fact, researchers believe that apples should be a recommended supplement for those at risk of developing respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

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