• 11 March 2025

The fruits-obesity 🍏 paradox!

Feb 18, 2021 #fruits, #nutrition
Ποια φρουτα παχαινουν, Τα φρουτα παχαινουν το βραδυ, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Ποσα φρουτα πρεπει να τρωμε οταν κανουμε διαιτα, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, φρουτα θερμιδες, Ποσα φρουτα την ημερα, φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα, What fruits get fat, Fruits get fat at night, Fatty fruits, How much fruit should we eat when dieting, Slimming fruits, calorie fruits, How much fruit per day, fruits and sugars, fruit sugar,ρεπει να τρωμε οταν κανουμε διαιτα, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, φρουτα θερμιδες, Ποσα φρουτα την ημερα, φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα,



fruits & weight loss:

a paradoxical effect

Ποια φρουτα παχαινουν, Τα φρουτα παχαινουν το βραδυ, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Ποσα φρουτα πρεπει να τρωμε οταν κανουμε διαιτα, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, φρουτα θερμιδες, Ποσα φρουτα την ημερα, φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα,

Fruits are perhaps the most surprising phenomenon in weight loss. We all know that fruits contain a lot of sugar. In particular, fruits have a high content of simple sugars such as:

  • glucose
  • fructose
  • sucrose etc.

We also know that simple sugars are involved in the all the metabolic mechanisms responsnible for obesity.

So the paradox is that while they contain so much sugar, they contribute -according to many studies- to weight loss and general good health.


Φρούτα και ζάχαρη, γιατί τα φρούτα δεν παχαίνουν

Why fruits wont make you fat

What happens with their sugar

Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, φρουτα θερμιδες, Ποσα φρουτα την ημερα, φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα,

Studies on the effect of consuming whole fresh fruits on weight loss and general health, clearly show that fruits not only do not cause obesity but through  “mysterious” mechanisms, contribute to weight loss and our overall health. After all, this is why every organization and ministry of health in the world recommends the consumption of 5 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables a day to all of us!

But why do fruits, while containing “sugar”, don’t cause obesity?

This is primarily because the fructose we get from the 5 servings of fresh fruit (5 x 80 gr) is practically much less compared to the added sugars of processed foods.

And secondly, the fructose we get from the fruit comes with  a “golden package” of fiber, nutrients and unique ingredients that contribute to all the mechanisms of weight loss as we will see in detail below.





comparison of sugar from fruits and other snacks

WHAT IS the equivalent of THE SUGAR contained in 5 portions of fruits?

φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα, ποια φρουτα καινε λιπος, Λιποδιαλυτικα φρουτα, φρουτα για απωλεια λιπους, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, Ποια φρουτα δεν παχαινουν καθολου, τροφες που αδυνατιζουν γρηγορα

When whe eat the suggested 5 servings of fruits, the sugars we receive are within daily limits and the total calories contained in them are low. Also theoretically no one can overdo it with fruits and exceed the limit. Practically, the opposite happens, the average person does not get the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables that are suggested. In addition, as we will see below, fruit sugars come with minerals, vitamins, unique phytochemicals and fiber that cause satiety.

equicalents of 35 gr of sugars:

Example of 5 servings of fruit (400gr):

16 strawberries (160gr)
1 medium banana (120gr)
1 medium apple (120gr)



Only 1 can of  commercial juice contains as many sugars as 5 servings of fruit!

1 can of juice 330 ml



2 small portions of ready-made snacks contain as many sugars as 5 servings of fruit, but giving us twice as many calories and enough saturated fat

1 wafer with chocolate
5 medium sandwich cookies





how fruits help us lose weight

φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα, ποια φρουτα καινε λιπος, Λιποδιαλυτικα φρουτα, φρουτα για απωλεια λιπους, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, Ποια φρουτα δεν παχαινουν καθολου, τροφες που αδυνατιζουν γρηγορα

Numerous human studies based on anthropometric analyzes, such as body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, have concluded that there is an inverse relationship between fruit consumption and obesity, and the following figure summarizes this mechanism:

s it bad to eat fruit when trying to lose weight? Does fruit cause weight gain? Which fruits make you gain weight? Can fruit give you belly fat?





hypotheses for the fruits paradox

analysis of the anti-obesity mechanisms of fruits

ζάχαρη φρουτα, ποια φρουτα καινε λιπος, Λιποδιαλυτικα φρουτα, φρουτα για απωλεια λιπους, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, Ποια φρουτα δεν παχαινουν καθολου, τροφες που αδυνατιζουν γρηγορα fruit sugar, which fruits and fat, Fat-soluble fruits, fruits for fat loss, Fruits that fatten, Slimming fruits, Which fruits do not get fat at all, foods that lose weight fast

Obesity is a multifactorial phenomenon, the result of many mechanisms, so there can be no single mechanism against it. In fact, it is possible that there are different mechanisms and factors for the effect of fruit on obesity. The following table presents the most likely of them according to the studies and the hypotheses made by the scientists:

  • Low Calories

    Fruits help lower calorie intake overall, as they contain a lot of water, few calories, fiber and almost no fat. Eating five servings of fruit help us receive about half the calories compared to other snacks.

  • Satiety

    Fruits are high in fiber and cause satiety as they pass slowly through the stomach and small intestine. They also delay the secretion of catabolic enzymes so that the breakdown of macronutrients takes place more slowly and promote a feeling of fullness for several hours due to the secreted intestinal satiety hormones.

  • Micronutrients

    Fruits contain vitamins and minerals (calcium, zinc, iron, etc.) which help reduce fat mass due to leptin resistance and the degradation of genes involved in the formation and differentiation of fat cells.

  • Non-essential Phytochemicals

    Fruits contain a variety of phytochemicals (flavonoids, reveratrol, naringenin, catechins, etc.) which, although are not essential for our survival, have multiple health benefits. They have anti-oxidant action and reduce oxidative stress, suppress lipogenesis and inhibit the differentiation of pre-fat cells. They also stimulate lipolysis and contribute to the initiation of adipocyte apoptosis and therefore the reduction of lipogenesis.

  • Transformation of gut ecologyecology

    Intestinal germs are believed to affect our health by modifying the metabolic phenotype. According to research, the type of bacteria that live in obese people is very different from that of people of normal weight. Fruits contain fiber and polyphenols that increase the intestinal bacteria Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria (which are found in large quantities in the intestine of lean individuals) and reduce the intestinal bacteria Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (which dominate the intestinal ecology of obese individuals).

  • Unknown Mechanisms

    Fruits are complex biochemical products of plants. For many fruits their composition is known. However, every year new types of phytochemicals are discovered as well as their health benefits. In addition, the mechanisms and biochemical pathways involved in obesity are many and complex. So the complex nature of fruits and their effect on obesity will take several more years of research to be fully elucidated.




The negative side of fruits

Fruits have a negative trait, but their positive traits overcome it

ζάχαρη φρουτα, ποια φρουτα καινε λιπος, Λιποδιαλυτικα φρουτα, φρουτα για απωλεια λιπους, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, Ποια φρουτα δεν παχαινουν καθολου, τροφες που αδυνατιζουν γρηγορ

Nothing is absolute, stationary or individual in what is being examined here. Certainly fruits have a mechanism that causes obesity and this is due to the sugars they contain. Specifically, simple sugars cause lipogenesis, increase in triglycerides and increase in fat mass.

However, in the research that has been done, the exact opposite is observed. High consumption of fruit helps to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. Thus,  it is believed that the mechanisms of fruits that act against obesity (satiety, low calories, intestinal microflora, vitamins, trace elements, phytochemicals, other unknown mechanisms) are more prevalent than the one that cause obesity (simple sugars).

For this reason, if you have not chosen a ketogenic diet, your doctor has not recommended anything different or there is no health reason, you can include in your diet the 5 servings of fruit recommended by every health organization in the world and enjoy the benefits! And since you made the beginning, add the suggested 5 servings of vegetables. The well-known golden rule of 5 + 5 per day!

recommended daily fruit intake

how much is 5 servings of fruit?

Ποια φρουτα παχαινουν, Τα φρουτα παχαινουν το βραδυ, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Ποσα φρουτα πρεπει να τρωμε οταν κανουμε διαιτα, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, φρουτα θερμιδες, Ποσα φρουτα την ημερα, φρούτα και σάκχαρα, ζάχαρη φρουτα, ποια φρουτα καινε λιπος, Λιποδιαλυτικα φρουτα, φρουτα για απωλεια λιπους, Φρουτα που παχαινουν, Φρουτα που αδυνατιζουν, Ποια φρουτα δεν παχαινουν καθολου, τροφες που αδυνατιζουν γρηγορα

The recommended 5 servings of fruit are 5 servings of 80 grams. That is, a total of 400 gr of fruits per day.

Below are some examples of different fruits, how many servings they are and  how many calories they contain.

μήλος θερμίες, ζάχαρη, αδυνατίζει το μήλο, μήλο στη δίαίτα



1 small apple 120 gr
62 kcal
1.5 Servings / 5

blueberries θερμίδες, ζάχαρη, αδυνατίζουν τα μύρτιλλα στη δίαίτα



1 box of blueberries 125gr
72 kcal
1.5 Servings / 5

ανανας θερμίδες, ζάχαρη, ανανας μερίδα ποσότητα τη δίαίτα pineapple calories, sugar, pineapple portion quantity diet



1 slice of anana 100gr
50 kcal
1.25 Servings / 5

μπανανα θερμίδες, ζάχαρη, μπανάνα μερίδα ποσότητα στη δίαίτα banana calories, sugar, banana portion quantity diet



1 small banana 120 gr
107 kcal
1.5 Servings / 5

φράουλες θερμίδες, ζάχαρη, φράουλες μερίδα ποσότητα στη δίαίτα strawberries calories, sugar, strawberries portion quantity diet



8 big strawberries 80gr
1 Servings / 5

1 small banana 120gr
107 kcal
1.5 Servings / 5

ροδάκινο θερμίδες, ζάχαρη, ροδάκινο μερίδα ποσότητα στη δίαίτα, πόσα γραμμάρια είναι ένα ροδάκινο, πόσες θερμίδες έχει ένα ροδάκινο peach calories, sugar, peach portion amount in the diet, how many grams is a peach, how many calories does a peach have



1 peach 150gr
60 kcal
1.9 Servings / 5


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